26th Advanced ICFA Beam Dynamics Workshop on Nanometre-Size Colliding Beams

(Nanobeam 2002)

Lausanne, Switzerland, September 2-6, 2002

Workshop home page


Version: August 29, 2002 15:20

The workshop is organized in sessions. Rooms are available for break-out or follow-up sessions on specialized topics. Contributions are expected to be in the form of 10-15 minutes oral presentations plus time for discussion. The detailed session program is organized by the session chairmen who should be contacted with copy to nanobeam@cern.ch. A display area is available for presenting posters or industrial equipment, if requested.

Available information:

Detailed schedule, sessions, chairmen, and program:
Details Session 6 (Laser Wire Mini-workshop) HTML
List of submitted talks (computer generated, up to date) HTML

August 29, 2002 15:20